Manage Sports Organization
ScoreUp provides end to end digital solution for academies, federations and sports organizations front office management. Its powerful platform helps you register members, define your events and camps, communicate with select group, configure any kind of package & fee structure, collect fees, Quick book, Print Id Card, manage attendance and many more. Most importantly it has a 360 degree dashboard of all your key constituents like players, coaches, groups, events, tournaments.
To request for a demo please reach out to us.

Skill Tracking & Management
This module helps periodic assessment of player's skills & video uploads. It helps you to plan & track appropriate drills on a regular basis. At the end of every sprint - coaches, parents and players get analytics reports and certificate of graduation.
To request for a demo please reach out to us.

Score Update & Statistics
This module helps organizers of the tournament to capture & publish score updates for the fans to follow. At the end of every match/tournament - organizers, coaches, parents and players get detailed statistical report. Player performance data gets integrated to his profile.
To request for a demo please reach out to us.